Friday, August 21, 2009

Healthcare Reform

My brother applied for health insurance for his five-year-old through Kaiser, who was already covering Tim.

As a result, Kaiser re-evaluated Tim, and refused him coverage.
Within the last 24 months, kidney stones
Illegal drug use within last 5 years
Tobacco use within last 2 years

Kaiser also refused Eden, my nephew, coverage.
Within the last 12 months, visited a doctor for minor illness/injury

If a five-year-old can be refused for visiting the doctor once in the last year, I wonder if I can be refused for blogging about it?


  1. probably. and now i'm probably out for commenting. damn.

  2. I wonder if this is why Kaiser just sent me a bill for an additional $40 beyond my co-pay for looking at a mole and deciding it was OK? I mean, gloves weren't even necessary. If your co-pay doesn't cover that, what DOES it cover?
