So, I don't know anything at all about music, and have long suspected that I might be tone-deaf. I can judge with the best of them, but I tend to focus more on the aesthetic. (I can't tell you what my favorite Neverland performance piece is, but I can tell you it's the one where the singers jump around.)
We got to the venue and ran into one of Adam's bandmates, who was all excited about this bass clarinet group. He and his date were all, like, "When do you get to see FOUR bass clarinets together?!?!" and looked at me in that friendly, I-don't-know-you-but-I-want-you-to-feel-included sort of way. And since I wanted THEM to feel included, too, I was like, "Yeah, I know, right?"
Really what I was thinking was, What's a bass clarinet?
Lucky for you, dear reader, I've found a photo of precisely that group, with their instruments. They call themselves Edmund Welles, and, while I have no proof of who calls the shots amongst these four fellows, I'd stake a bet on the fact that it's the dude named Cornelius Boots. He's the little yogi on the left.
And the show really was spectacular, although I'm thankful we arrived late for it, because I'd forgotten this little piece of information: wind instruments collect a LOT of spit. And you know what musicians do at the end of each song? There are two options. One, they shake their instrument out on the stage; two, they take a big suck out of the thing and swallow.
Literally, my gag reflex has kicked in just WRITING about it.
It's FOUR BASS CLARINETS. They cover "Big Bottom," by Spinal Tap. There's nothing that's not incredible about this.
ReplyDeleteAt least I got the instrument right.
ReplyDeleteI'm gagging too. Spit is so not okay with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious: is he really a yogi?
ReplyDeleteIf so, very interesting. If not, why do you call him that?
Love, Mom