4-5 pm - Braved the Albany Target to find Christmas lights and other flights of Christmas fancy. Christmas fancy was in short supply.
5:57 pm - Adam hauled disassembled tree up three flights of stairs to apartment.
6 - 8:30 pm - Recovered from tree trip.
8:30 pm - Discussed turning off Tough Love 2 in favor of decorating tree.
9 pm - Adam started piecing together tree. Found multiple plugs attached to its pre-lit limbs. More plugs than holes in which to insert. Luckily, found note attached to tree:
Question: If this tree is dangerous enough that one should wash one's hands after touching, why is the largest font conveying only that one shouldn't throw away the directions?
9:10 pm - Discover camera is out of batteries. Scrounge used batteries out of other household objects. Adam starts taking pictures of...stuff. Amy says batteries should be saved for something Christmasy. Adam takes this photo:

9:24 pm - Began adding hooks to Target-purchased $5 ornament set. Amy feels dumb because she can't find a hole in which to stick a hook. Discovers it was just her unfortunate luck that she got a defective first ornament—the Chinese didn't drill the hole all the way through. Proceeds with same procedure she used on her belly button piercing when it closed up in 2001—poking hard with sharp object.

9:27 pm - Began adding last year's tree decorations—Adam's collection of tiny Muppets. Kermit got the topper position. Obvi.
9:28 pm - Added the two actual ornaments we've procured this year (for a grand total of two): a Mickey Mouse hat (from Amy's birthday at Disneyland) and Michael Jackson (which Amy found in Old Town San Diego, and called Adam to declare that, in all the time they're married, he'll never receive a better gift).

Et, viola:

It's perfect.
ReplyDeleteThe combination of your tree and Kermit takes the "it's not easy being green" thing to a whole new level.
ReplyDeleteFreaking out - we have a Kermit on our tree too, not at the top (wish we had thought of that) but he's on there. Obviously they are long-lost christmas-tree-dwelling kermit brothers.
ReplyDeleteAnd I expect EVERYONE to comment on the MJ/Dia de los Muertos ornament! There's no funnier ornament! FanTabulous!
ReplyDeleteOh, except on Sunday I saw a fluffy feather hen ornament on a tree at a restaurant called Le Peep (chicken themed restaurant). If I could find that ornament somewhere, I'd get it.